The most recent release appeared tonight, with a variety of others over the last few weeks:VO 1.8.667- A player forfeits their active duel if they fly into a NFZ, and cannot challenge or accept a duel while inside a NFZ.- Fixed some Lua errors related to the UI.VO 1.8.666.1- Fixed a bug with a Linux version, where some devices might randomly choose the prototype Vulkan renderer over the GL4 renderer, on first runtime.VO 1.8.666- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees. - Added calibration curve options to arbitrary joystick axes on Linux, located in the "Calibration Settings" button of each axis.- Training stations are no longer included in the Daily Trade Reports.- The virtual keyboard no longer disappears when a mission update appears on the HUD while typing.VO 1.8.665/.1- One new custom-made mission.- Added history logs to Access Keys, recording who gave/revoked keys and changed access rights.- Fixed Account Conversion menu being too wide with some languages.- Fixed title of Guild Log menus to properly show the page number.- Queens will no longer mine asteroids that are extremely far from the sector center.- Fixed Border Engagement advertisement mission's countdown timer.VO 1.8.664.1- Fixed issue with iOS version not showing navmap backgrounds.A lot of other development has been occurring in the background. Hopefully we can start to post more about that sometime soon.
Several releases appeared last month:VO 1.8.664- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.- Changed /givemoney failure message to "No pilot named <X> is currently within range."- Added UI settings to set the name of players under their ships on the HUD when in 2D square target selection mode, located in Options -> Advanced -> Interface -> HUD Settings.- Added ability for plugins to add additional lines of text to the name of players under their ships by setting AdditionalHUDText["character name"] to a string to display. The character name needs to match exactly (case sensitive), and the info is not saved when plugins/interface are reloaded or the game is restarted.- Fixed issue with Linux Vulkan driver crashing if keyboard/mouse input is received immediately after startup.- Removed unnecessary Vulkan synchronization API call on Linux.- The Linux Vulkan driver no longer chooses software CPU devices.- Removed Left/Right stick calibration curve settings on Linux because they are not functional.VO 1.8.663.1- Updates to support new Android App Bundle update.VO 1.8.663- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.- Added experimental Vulkan video driver to the 64bit Linux version.- Added analytics to the Android version to detect problems with downloading additional assets.VO 1.8.662.1- Fixed issue with Strafe Up/Dn HUD buttons not working on touch screens.VO 1.8.662- Four new custom-made missions available in various trees.- Added option to Touch devices to change the left HUD touch region's Y axis to control Strafe up/down. Defaults to off, can be changed in Options -> Advanced -> Controls -> Touch and is called "Use Touch Thottle as Strafe Up/Down".- Added options for Android devices to use the accelerometer tilt to control Throttle. Defaults to off, can be changed in Options -> Advanced -> Controls -> Tilt and is called "Touchscreen steering, tilt for throttle".- Added options for Android devices to change the deadzone settings of the accelerometer. The settings are also located in Options -> Advanced -> Controls -> Tilt.