VO 1.8.642 includes:- Four new custom-made missions, available in various trees.- Added option to disable 'Turret Control Online' messages in Options -> Interface settings.- Fixed issue with gkini.ReadString2 lua function.- Fixed issue with gunners being able to fire turrets while +ActivateTurrets also fires the turret under certain conditions.Beyond this, we've been making progress with some larger projects in the background; more about those later.
A recap of all the updates since late-February, with some context at the bottom:Vendetta 1.8.641- Four new custom-made missions, available in various trees.- Fixed incorrect mission failure warning when attacking a convoy you're not escorting.- Fixed issue with gkini.ReadString returning random data if no default value is specified and the requested value doesn't exist.Vendetta 1.8.640- Ten new custom-made missions, available in various trees.- Taking an Escort mission and doing substantial damage to your own convoy, or draining significant energy with a PCB, will result in the Escort mission Failing and the convoy treating the player as an enemy.- Fixed issue with RadarPrevNearestPowerup command not working properly.- Fixed issue with mission-based NPCs not joining the group when they launch from the station.Vendetta 1.8.639- Fixed issue with invulnerable NPC capship turrets on Windows, Linux, Mac platforms.- Fixed issue with player given a blank screen instead of a station menu after exploding under very high latency conditions.- Experimental release of forcing the Windows client's minimum network MTU size to 400 bytes instead of 128.Vendetta 1.8.638- Six new custom-made missions, available in various trees.- Fixed issue with missing lead-off indicator when an empty weapon group is active and entering a turret.- Fixed issue with a player-owned capship becoming disabled instead of exploding when damaged by another exploding capship.Vendetta 1.8.637- Fixed issue with inactive access keys text description not being displayed.- Fixed crash when the capship pilot is controlling a turret when they disable it.- Fixed issue with the background not updating properly on Quest VR devices.- Prototype of new game-client Lua runtime environment with enhanced performance, now available on the Quest VR platform.- Added further analytics to help detect problems seen by players on higher latency connections.Vendetta 1.8.636- Four new custom-made missions, available in various trees.- Added ability for in-station ship preset purchases to choose stored addons instead of purchasing them.- Fixed issue with not being able to equip power cells to fighter ships if they have addons attached, while piloting a capship.- Fixed issue with FOV resetting to default when viewing the ship config UI while in space.- Prototype of new game-client Lua runtime environment with enhanced performance, now available on the macOS platform.- Fixed occasional problem with excessive station information being displayed while jumping into a station sector.- Fixed occasional issue with sound effects from other ships being heard while jumping into another sector.- Added further analytics to help detect problems seen by players on higher latency connections.- Fixed issue with spickle not working with certain data tables in plugins.Vendetta 1.8.635- Four new custom-made missions, available in various trees.- The /ViewToggle command now accepts an optional view mode parameter. 1 is first-person, 2