"We ask that any capsuleer who wishes to protect civilized space gather up at ou…

"We ask that any capsuleer who wishes to protect civilized space gather up at our two rally points in Sarum Prime and Meves on November 7 for departure at 18:50."

Empire Navies put out call for capsuleer assistance - EVE Community
Yulai – Acting on behalf of the navies for the Amarr Empire, Caldari State, Gallente Federation, and Minmatar Republic, CONCORD has put out a one-time call for capsuleers to provide backup on a “massive, sustained assault on high-priority targets”. Kilkkuken Mallen, Chief Intelligence Operative for ...

Join the empires in an assault!

The four empires in EVE Online are launching an assault on a dangerous target on November 7! They are inviting all capsuleers to join them in this assault and bring down what they claim is a threat to the entire cluster. You can join them in the systems of Sarum Prime or Meves at 18:50 UTC on November 7. Representatives from the empires will be in those systems to gather up fleets of interested players. Read more about it here.

EVE Radio – The Return of the 80’s Weekender!

Is there possibly a better way to spend the weekend than at the helm of your favorite internet spaceship, with a pulse pounding electro soundtrack, or perhaps a full volume session of 80's power ballads, complete with traditional retro hair?

Only EVE Radio has the answer!

From Friday, November 8 through to Tuesday, November 12, EVE Radio will be hosting the Return of the 80s Weekender! Throughout this event there will be chances to win a ton of ISK, as well as EVE Time Codes and a whole host of individual show prizes from various DJs.

Tune in to EVE Radio this weekend from Friday to Tuesday, for a celebration of 80s culture, wonderful hair, and rediculous dancing!

EVE Online: Rubicon Feature Site Update!

CCP are delighted to annouce that the feature site for EVE Online: Rubicon has been updated to include full details of EVE Online's 20th free expansion.

This update includes further detail on upcoming features, the Rubicon Announcement Video, Wallpapers, and a new EVE Chronicle from CCP Abraxas that charts part of the thematic buildup to the deployment of Rubicon.

Feel free to take a look at the updated feature site at www.eveonline.com/rubicon.