All posts by CCP Eterne

Mass Test on Thursday, November 29

Our next public mass test will happen on our test server Buckingham on Thursday, November 29, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE-time).  We are testing the client and server performance of our next expansion EVE Online: Retribution. Included will be tests for overall performance, new explosions, new ship models, new brackets, new damage notifications, and Crimewatch.

Testing should last around 30-45 minutes. All participants will receive two million skillpoints on our test servers.

Please refer to this thread for more information about how you participate in the test, and this EVElopedia article for more information on mass testing.

Raptr Q&A with CCP Ingo

CCP Ingo, EVE Online's Global Brand Director, will be holding a marathon question and answer session with Raptr on November 27-28 between 18:00 and 02:00 GMT. Many fantastic prizes, including ship models and Art of EVE books, will be given away to those with the best questions! Check out full details at: Raptr Q&A: EVE Online.

Raptr Q&A with CCP Ingo

CCP Ingo, EVE Online's Global Brand Director, will be holding a marathon question and answer session with Raptr on November 27-28 between 18:00 and 02:00 GMT. Many fantastic prizes, including ship models and Art of EVE books, will be given away to those with the best questions! Check out full details at: Raptr Q&A: EVE Online.

Extended downtime on Thursday, November 22nd

The regularly scheduled downtime for November 22 will be extended by half an hour from 11:00 to 12:00 UTC while we perform server upgrades. We thank you for your patience during this brief downtime.

Update - 12:31 - 22/11/12
The startup of Tranquility was delayed and downtime was extended until 12:30 UTC. Tranquility is now back online, and we apologize for any inconvenience the extended downtime has caused.

Extended downtime on Thursday, November 22nd

The regularly scheduled downtime for November 22 will be extended by half an hour from 11:00 to 12:00 UTC while we perform server upgrades. We thank you for your patience during this brief downtime.

Update - 12:31 - 22/11/12
The startup of Tranquility was delayed and downtime was extended until 12:30 UTC. Tranquility is now back online, and we apologize for any inconvenience the extended downtime has caused.

Retribution Testing: Developers vs Players Cruiser Brawl!

Players, have you ever wanted to blow up your favorite (and least favorite) developers? Today, November 15th, is your chance! At 16:00 GMT we will be running a special Buckingham Showdown: Developers vs Players Cruiser Brawl in order to do a mass test of the cruiser rebalancing for Retribution. Not only that, but we will also be live streaming the event from the developers' perspective on the CCP channel.

Full details can be found in here.

For information on connecting to Buckingham, please follow the instructions on

New Eden Fiction Contest sponsored by CCP

CCP gladly announces an officially sponsored and judged Fiction Contest and we invite everyone to participate. The contest has wonderful prizes provided by both our sponsors and EVE Online players, including over 20 billion ISK, multiple PLEX, subscriptions to EON Magazine, and an Nvidia EVGA Superclocked GeForce GTX670 graphics card. Submissions are due by December 2nd.

For further information, including the full rules and regulations, as well as a prize list here: EVE Fiction Contest.

API Migration to HTTPS Complete

On Wednesday October 17th, we completed the switch from HTTP to HTTPS for traffic to the as announced earlier in this devblog:

We have also improved the API infrastructure backend.

If you run any services that utilize the API such as killboards or other services such as mentioned in the devblog and have not updated to the new API address, it will no longer be functional until you complete the update.