All posts by CCP Soundwave

Next Unified Inventory Update

Hello Spacefriends!

We’ve been hogging a lot of releases for the Unified Inventory recently and at some point we’ll need to go back to our regular release calendar. The last of our rapid response releases will be done this week (7 releases in less than 2 weeks so far), focusing on dealing with the biggest issue right now: Performance. Those improvements are going out Thursday, June 7, and should hopefully smoothen the experience considerably.

Following that, our next update will come with a main release on June 19, which should see a lot more of your feedback incorporated - thank you for all this great feedback! We're working on getting the biggest issues we see in the feedback threads resolved, so look forward to that release!

Generally, doing frequent updates isn’t really healthy and can’t be maintained for longer periods of time, which means we are going to move back towards less frequent releases, with the tradeoff being that they are going to be bigger.

To sum it up: Our next update will be deployed on the 7th, followed up a more comprehensive update on the 19th.

Thank you for your patience,

Unified Inventory: Changes Coming Your Way This Friday!

Hello Spacefriends!

We deployed a number of fixes for the Unified Inventory yesterday (along with some other general Inferno updates). I’m here to tell you a little bit about the next round of fixes and when they’ll be live.

We have been listening carefully to the feedback we have been hearing from the community and as a result, the team is working towards another deployment this Friday the 1st of June. What we’re aiming to include in that patch is:

Inventory Handling

  • If you use a shortcut to open a specific inventory/bay, that window will open in the compact and separate mode.
  • Inventories like the ship hangar, item hangar and item containers will maintain their position/layout when separated, even if you undock and then redock.
  • When you want to open an inventory in a separate window, you can now drag and drop it out of the main window as an alternative to the shift + click way of opening it.
  • Fixed a bug where the estimated price wouldn’t change when dragging between open windows
  • Fixing a bug that produces an error when trying to stack in a full cargohold.
  • Fixing a performance issue relating to unlocking large amounts of items


  • We’re adding a tree structure to POSs, so the list of modules isn’t just one long list of every POS module there.
  • We’re adding a visual indicator to show if you’re in range of a certain container or not, much like the overview has it. That should filter down the number of options in a very nice and visible way.

That’s it for this week. We'll of course continue applying fixes as they're ready.

I will post another update later this week to what further changes we’re doing. Please keep the feedback on the feature coming so we can continue to adjust it.



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This Week In The Unified Inventory

Hello Spacefriends

As mentioned previously, we are not at all happy with the state of the unified inventory. To everyone that is currently struggling with it, you have my apologies.

As a remedy, we’re going to try and provide you with weekly changes to it, until we get it into a state where you’re happy with it. Our first group of fixes will go out Tuesday, May 29th, and are as follows:

  • Looting: Cargo containers and wrecks will function the same. Having multiple wrecks or containers open should be easy to loot as you can just click “loot all” and it will automatically go to the next item on the list instead of your ships cargohold. There is an added performance increase as well.
  • Ship Hangars: Your active ship will be displayed in the ship hangar. It was a bit confusing that it would disappear. All assembled ships will now be displayed, regardless of activity state.
  • Ship Hangars: When you have a ship hangar open but switch ships, the hangars for the old ships will still be listed as “active ship”. That has been corrected.
  • Containers: Containers are sorted alphabetically. That makes a lot of sense.
  • Performance: We’ve applied fixes that let you handle larger numbers of items more gracefully. It should be a great deal faster now.
  • Performance: Handling large numbers of POS modules was extremely slow. That has been remedied and it should be back to pre-patch performance.
  • Errors: Action failed messages would pop up if you had two cargoholds open and tried to open a third. This has been fixed as well.
  • Corp Hangars: If a corporation has impounded items present in a station, directors will have a “release items” button which will give you access to the impounded assets.

That’s it for Tuesday, but we will not stop there. As soon as these improvements are published, we start working on the next round of changes. We’ll update what those are and when they go out shortly after.

Again, you guys have my deepest apologies for this situation. We’ll do whatever we can to rectify it.  We're going to continue to take your valuable feedback and add it to the list of changes we want to make.


More changes are coming, I'll do another update on Tuesday (May 29th). 



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Unified Inventory Changes

Hello Spacefriends

We've been collecting and planning changes to the unified inventory system based on the various threads currently on the forums. The list right now is comprised of the issues we feel are most urgent after reviewing the feedback and by no means the final list of what will be fixed. It is a list of what we´re fixing right now and we can certainly add more stuff to be added when the schedule is a bit calmer.

Changes that are currently in production (being done as you're reading this)

  • Dealing with the multiple inventories of a POS is a nightmare and our first package will hopefully mitigate that. These are the changes we’re making:
  • POS structures will go into a tree view, so guns will have their own category and so on. This should make it less cluttered and users can pick exactly which module group they’re interested in.
  • We’re going to allow renaming of all POS structures, this should let players navigate more easily in the tree view, instead of a large group of identical items.
  • Structures you can interact with and can’t interact with will be clearly marked, so the tree view will tell you which ones you can open and which ones you can’t (basically what you’re in range of, similar to the overview)

Next up after that!

  • Shift-clicking works fine, but like with all shortcuts, you need to know it exists. We’re going to allow inventories to be “dragged out” of the main UI. It’s basically the same functionality as shift clicking, but instead of being hidden behind a hotkey, you can simply drag and drop it out with your mouse.
  • Your active ship will be available both through the current tree but it will also be available in the hangar tree, to avoid confusion.
  • When you use a shortcut to open a specific bay, it will open in “separated” mode, with the tree view compact so you can quickly get the view you want.
  • The main UI will always be available from the Neocom, even when you have separated windows open.

Two issues we’ll fix but have not found the exact solution to

There are two things we´d really like to change but don´t have a nailed down solution to just yet.

One is persisting windows that only work in certain places (you have a window that only works in the station and you want it to be open and in the same location the next time you dock for example).

The other is some sort of visualization of your ship in the inventory. Whether it’s a thumbnail or something else isn’t sure, but we’re working to hammer these two down and get them in as well.

Anyway, that´s it for now, you should start seeing these items slip on to TQ shortly. Thank you for your feedback!


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Crucible 1.1 and Soundwave's Animal Safety Advice

I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first, random reader on the internet?

Let’s go with the bad news:

Team Best Friends Forever and Pink Zombie Kittens have been disbanded. In memory of their service to the internet, a small statue was erected in Reykjavik today, following a lengthy parade which also had cake. It’s been a fun ride and we hope you all enjoy the features the teams got to make.

Now it's time for the good news:

The teams were disbanded because the influx of developers making spaceships was too great, so we had to be split them into three teams (or as I call them, friendship-bands). Please welcome Team Super Friends, Team Game of Drones and Team Five 0. All three teams are full of good looking men and women, with some familiar faces and some new ones.  Hopefully we can introduce you to some of the people on the teams at a later point, but right now, let’s focus on spaceships (and safety).

To celebrate this transition, Team Best Friends Forever and Pink Zombie Kittens decided to do one last push to get features out and we’re happy to give you this list of items on January 24th:

  • We’ve rebalanced small, medium and large Null ammo. I came back from vacation and Tallest had done this. He’s a pretty cool dude.
  • We’ve changed the CPU on cap shield transfers. Much needed, high five.
  • Assault ships have been rebalanced. We’ve wanted to do this since forever and were originally planning to do it for Crucible. It fell out due to time constraints, but has been completed for the coming release.
  • We’ve buffed some of the modules launched in Crucible. You can now whine about how overpowered they are.
  • When one of your friends logs on and get an annoying pop-up with his picture, you can now click the picture and start a conversation, telling him how annoying the pop-up is.
  • The skills list now has a filter box so you can track down your individual skills. This is pretty great if you have a lot of them.
  • Starbase fuel notifications are now shown in your calendar. You know why? Because it makes goddamn sense, that’s why.
  • Overheating can be done by shift-clicking a module. This is a viable alternative to clicking the worlds smallest button.
  • The agent list inside a station will now display your current status with an agent (mission offered, accepted etc). Hopefully less people will be cursing after undocking without pressing “accept” on a mission.

Before we go on, here is a brief intermission for some animal safety advice:  If you’re having issues with mosquitos and other bugs, rubbing garlic all over yourself is a natural repellant. If you are lost in the wilderness, this has the added effect that you can call for help once you locate an Italian restaurant to get garlic.

  • The chat member list can now be condensed and have been given some more intuitive icons. This should be more in line with the actual chat, which you can already condense.
  • Shield bonuses are now applied like armor bonuses. Remember when you got a shield bonus and LOST shield? Yeah that, we fixed it.
  • The session change has been lowered from 20 seconds to 15 and hopefully we can adjust it even further in the future. Death to session changes.
  • The watchlist now holds 15 people and you can drag and drop to re-arrange them. If you don’t have any friends, this isn’t relevant to you.
  • We’ve started re-naming modules (missiles and ABs/MWDs) in a schema that tells the user what they do, while still maintaining a lot of the sci-fi feel. The aim is to make everything make sense, instead of today where everything is as confusing as possible.
  • Meta 11, 12 and 13 Invulnerability Fields have been added to the game. We stumbled on them in the basement of CCP one day. Someone must have left them there.
  • We’ve iterated on locations. You can now choose if it’s a personal or corp location when you create them. This means less dragging and clicking.
  • Alliances can now join faction warfare. This is the first of a series of Factional Warfare iterations CCP Ytterbium is working on. We’ll tell you more as we get closer to fanfest, but we’re working on Factional Warfare. In other news, a flying pig just passed my window.
  • The old Neocom has been replaced by a younger, prettier model. It’s customizable and has a ton of cool features you can play around with.
  • We’ve added autocomplete and search hints to the asset search function from Crucible. SEARCHING HAS SUDDENLY BECOME REALLY EXCITING. Or not, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, that’s what we have for you here. Thanks from Team Best Friends Forever and Team Pink Zombie Kittens.



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