Devblogs, devposts, unboxing trailer and more. Get caught up on EVE here.

Devblogs, devposts, unboxing trailer and more. Get caught up on EVE here.

This week in EVE #17 - Week 43/2013 - EVE Information Portal - EVE Online Forums
"This week in EVE" is a weekly overview of EVE Online related news and events and shows what is going on in EVE Online. The focus of this overview is on official news from CCP: For example, dev blogs and important forum posts by CCP developers, the ever evolving background story and upcoming events.

Volunteers. Mentors. Experts. Perfect to help any new player!

Volunteers. Mentors. Experts.
Perfect to help any new player!

Community Spotlight: EVE University - EVE Community
Recently the EVE Community Team began running a series of seminars to help teach new players about the game. But we were not the first people to take on this task, nor are we even the best. Several groups of players have taken it upon themselves over the years to help rookies learn about the intrica...