Category Archives: EVE

Interview with has posted a pretty long interview about Infinity and the game development side on their site, you can read it at: - Spotlight - Interview with Flavien Brebion (

Outpost Upgraded

Steel Daggers upgrades their Outpost with a Caldari Basic Outpost Laboratory Plattform. This will offer an additional five ME, PE and Copy slots. This operation took place over 2 Downtimes.

Steel Daggers build their first Outpost

On 23rd August 2009 the Steel Daggers Corporation placed its first Outpost in the XV7L-S Constellation. This Caldari Outpost will improve the research possibilities in this constellation. Prices are set to the average in Providence, slots and dockingrights are available to neutrals. Jump Clones are available for 15 million.


Y9-MDG, Providence

Daggers Cove is currently under Sev3rance management.

ushra’khan and cva bring allies to 2j-wjy fight

reported by ISD Najax Lergazin | 2009.08.21 19:49:25

2J-WJY, Catch – On 15 August 111, combined forces from Ushra’Khan, Atlas Alliance [ATLAS] and Against ALL Authorities [.-A-.] clashed against elements from Cold Steel Alliance [STEEL] and Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA]. More than 600 capsuleers participated in the day-long fray and considerable losses were reported on both sides.

According to battle reports, two towers and a cyno jammer defended by CVA and its allies (also known as ‘proviblock’) were ultimately destroyed.Bubbled Tower in 2J-WJY

During the battle’s initial stages, both side took significant casualties. “[Against ALL Authorities] and [Ushra’Khan] were unable to get the upper hand,” explained Sapphrine, adding that ATLAS pilots who joined later in the fight, ultimately decided the battle.

CALPEPE, an ATLAS capsuleer, recalls: “i spent all my engagement bouncing every gate shooting every single hostile i got in sight.”

Dyntheos of CVA, expressed his alliance’s satisfaction with the battle’s outcome: “I believe the total kill/loss balance in terms of ships is even over the day… there are still two Steel towers up i believe… [however] Sov 3 has been broken for now,” he admitted.

Hovever, Sapphrine, of Ushra’Khan, promptly dismissed CVA’s claims of even a marginal victory: “[We] have always stated that their objective is to hold the space. Whenever we win a fight they invariably claim to have won… as they held the space at the end.”

While Dyntheos of CVA acknowledges that Ushra’Khan “has gathered greater confidence fighting alongside their [allies],” he also adds that “[Against ALL Authorities] and [ATLAS] are… probably the most powerful coalitions in the cluster… if [Ushra’Khan] had to muster a full fleet to combat the ‘provibloc’ forces, it means they fear us.”

shintaht becomes capital system

reported by ISD Rhom Windfell | 2009.08.20 17:27:38

Shintaht, Providence – Following completion of an outpost orbiting the famed planet Konrakas, Rosa Alba, a corporation within the Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA] announced Shintaht will be made into a capital system.

Felton Fundenberger, CEO of Rosa Alba, said that it was something that they had always aimed for. He stated:

“Recognition of the Empire is something we have always wanted and been fighting for. We want it by our actions against enemies of the empire. ISK is not the means to Empire here. Our actions are. The Empress will see us when she sees we are fit for it.”

He also mentioned his nervousness as to how the Empress will see the future plans of CVA.

“We are little unsure about how Amarr Empire and Caldari State will react… We are eagerly awaiting communications from them.”

With much work still needing to be done. CVA deployed their outpost in Shintaht on 5.7.111. All that remained was to move their ships, industrial equipment and control towers into the system. Having already secured the majority of the moons, the paperwork for capital status was cleared on August 5th, and the final date for the system’s ascendance to capital status was set. However, it was decided that no grand celebrations would take place as the fleet responsible was tasked elsewhere according to Felton Fundenberger of CVA.

With all tasks completed, Felton Fundenberger offered his loyalty to the Empress by declaring that Shintaht will be a capital system “in honour of Empress Jamyl.”

breaking news: violent clashes reported in 2j-wjy

reported by ISD Najax Lergazin | 2009.08.16 03:30:13

2J-WJY, Catch – In the last 24 hours, the system of 2J-WJY has been the scene of several violent clashes, during which more than 1400 ships and 493 pods were lost.

Preliminary reports indicate the fight began when two starbases and a cyno jammer belonging to Cold Steel Alliance were attacked by elements of Ushra’Khan and Against All Authorities. During the day-long fights the two towers were reportedly reinforced.The Damaged Tower in 2J-WJY

According to Marcus Griffin, both the attacking and the defending fleet are mainly comprised of “sniper battleships with the usual logistics and tackle support”. Cold Steel is presently receiving military support by Curatores Veritatis Alliance and the solar system seems secured.

Seliana Tanis, of Against All Authorities, explained the reasons that motivated the attack on 2J-JWY’s towers: “[they] were claiming [sovereignty] next door to our station system of ZXIC-7.”

Sapphrine of Ushra’Khan stated that the attack was initiated because: “they are expanding the reach of the slaver held Providence,” adding that since 2J-WJY is only two jumps from Ushra’Khan’s staging area, it made sense to include it among other strategic targets.

Ramruqai of Curatores Veritatis Alliance, confirmed that the battle is not over: “These pirate scum that insist on destroying peaceful members of Project Deliverance must be removed as we get a chance to… We will respond to [Ushra’Khan]’s harassment where we can but their efforts to this day have been nothing but insignificant.”

Interstellar Correspondent will monitor the ongoing situation and report as soon as more information is received.

Galaxy generation

In the past weeks, I've been focusing my efforts on the server side. A lot of things are going on, especially on the cluster architecture. But one particular...