In this week's episode of STOked, Chris and crew sat down to talk with Star Trek…

In this week's episode of STOked, Chris and crew sat down to talk with Star Trek Online Senior Game Designer Geoff Tuffli.

Chat with Heretic | STOked | Jupiter Broadcasting
We chat with Geoff Heretic Tuffli, the creator of Star Trek Onlineā€™s Duty Officer System. He shares insights into how the system works, future ideas, and more

We know some of you are interested in the darkest of CCP's worlds… We just up…

We know some of you are interested in the darkest of CCP's worlds...

We just uploaded three videos to our YouTube page that break the First Tradition ever so temporarily, including this one. For the others, check out

World of Darkness - 2010 Animatic Trailer
Darkness falls. The cities are labyrinths of polished steel and broken pavement. The landmarks are familiar, but the shadows are longer and people toil under...